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Laser Smoke Extraction & Filtration

  • 16th November 2022
  • Flextraction Team
Flextraction laser smoke and fume extraction

Laser fume extraction and filtration systems are important for maintaining a safe and productive workplace. As the owner or manager of an industrial workshop, keep your workforce safe and your business compliant by installing mobile laser fume extraction systems which will capture harmful contaminants before they escape into the open working environment.

Industrial processes like laser cutting and engraving present serious health risks to those working in the vicinity of these processes. The high heat of a laser can cause materials such as wood, plastic or metal substances to vaporize into hazardous air contaminants which may pose long-term health risks if a substantial filtration system is not used.

At flextraction, we provide a wide range of laser smoke and fume extraction units to businesses around the entire United Kingdom. Laser fume extraction and filtration technology is a must-have for most industrial processes that involve a laser.

The use of a mobile smoke and fume extraction system has been proven to be effective in capturing particles during laser cutting, laser welding, and laser ablation and ULT's LAS system is able to accomplish this task effortlessly with innovative solutions for laser fume removal.

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