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MD obtains Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (FCIBSE)

Wally Gilder, Managing Director of Flextraction, continues his professional development by becoming a Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (FCIBSE).  A founding member of the Institute of Local Exhaust Ventilation Engineers (ILEVE), a body that was formed to not only give a platform and voice to the LEV industry, but also to provide some cohesion and uniformity in the way the LEV industry worked.  Previously, there was no single point of reference and now ILEVE is making inroads towards the raising of standards and the standardisation and recognition of qualifications for all LEV engineers.  

Having seen the organisation grow into a well established body it was then to be taken under the wing of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers where it continues to flourish.  Wally recently passed on the Chairmanship of ILEVE and continues to offer his support and guidance by having a place on the committee.  

Currently, along with his other commitments, Wally is working towards his CENG qualification via the Technical Report Route.  

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